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Semester 2: Study Art Curating With Us


The Master of Art Curating at the University of Sydney is a postgraduate coursework degree that will develop your knowledge of the cultural, theoretical, social, political and economic issues underpinning the art gallery and museum systems. For professionals already working in the sector or for those seeking in career in the arts and cultural sector, this degree is for you. Options include a Graduate Certificate entry level, Graduate Diploma or Masters. Study an internship in a local or international institution or undertake a dissertation to expand your research skills.

The internship programs are well recognised by students for offering important opportunities to gain hands-on learning in sector workplaces, to engage and extend learning from course-work units, and to establish professional networks. Indeed, a significant number of students find employment from their internship experience.

Internship at the Chau Chak Wing Museum


Gain a sophisticated understanding of the full range of cultural, theoretical, social, political and economic issues underlying the art gallery and museum system. This degree offers a Capstone and Elective options in Industry Internships in partnership with leading institutions across Sydney and beyond. Several units are taught in collaboration with Sydney Cultural Institutions.


In addition to sector leading internship and research dissertation options, students can take a selection of the units below and elective units from Museum and Heritage Studies.

Working with Art: Objects in Focus ARHT6914 CORE UNIT

This unit introduces students to fundamental skills and issues in the study of art through object-based interpretation. It considers complexities and challenges related to the analysis, interpretation and display of individual works of art in the context of museums and galleries, and provides an introduction to the materials and techniques of art production from curatorial, public engagement and conservation perspectives. Students are supported to develop the ability to work closely with the physical art object, as classes will frequently take place in art galleries across Sydney. THIS UNIT IS RUN IN PARTNERSHIP AT THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART.

Writing for the Art and Museum Sector ARHT5902 SELECTIVE UNIT

Writing is essential for working in art galleries and museums, such as interpretive texts for audiences, research for publications, education, criticism, or for digital media. This unit will study essential texts by curators and critics and offers workshops to develop skills in writing for a range of contexts, objects, and art forms. Engage in research and writing methods for object labels, podcasts and audio guides, audiences with diverse needs, auction catalogues and other contexts. The modules offer interactive platforms and collaborative learning opportunities with the Chau Chak Wing Museum and local collections to build experience and enhance skills for career readiness or development.


Art Unseen: Addressing Absent Objects ARHT6962 NEW UNIT

Dr Mark de Vitis Art galleries, museums and archives are only ever able to display a fraction of their collection. Much of what they hold remains in basements and storage facilities and these works are rarely, if ever, seen. This unit will take students into those overlooked collection areas to understand how cultural institutions connect with the works in their care. Students will work with prominent collections to produce content to bring underrepresented collection areas, cultures and individual artists into the public eye. The unit will also explore the social, political and art historical issues of display, and the relationship between audiences and taste, and cultures of display. THIS UNIT IS RUN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE POWERHOUSE MUSEUM

Exhibiting Australian Art ARHT6933 SELECTIVE/ELECTION OPTION

What is Australian Art? How are we to understand its changing form and focus from the time of colonisation to the present? Through gallery visits and selected case studies, this unit will examine how contemporary artists, curators and writers are re-imagining and re-seeing the history of Australian art. Current and past exhibitions and collection displays will be explored alongside recent approaches to writing the history of Australian art.

Film Theory: Art, Industry, Culture ARHT6930

The relation of film to industrial modernity is an ongoing issue for film theorists. With the advent of digital image processes and production the relation of art and industry has re-emerged with a new set of problems. How do we conceptualise the new forms? What theoretical and aesthetic language(s) do we draw on? And how best to rethink film in the face of rapid technological, formal and cultural change? These issues will be investigated via an examination of the history of film theory's attempts to formulate concepts adequate to the age of industrial modernity.




GLAM is a blogsite run by students and staff in Art History, Art Curating, and Museum & Heritage Studies. It features reviews, articles and events about art, culture, galleries, museums, people and places on campus and beyond.



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This site is managed by Art History in the School of Arts, Communication and English at the University of Sydney. The University is located on the unceded lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, we pay respect to the traditional owners and their elders, past, present and emerging.

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